BoomShake Music is an intercultural community music and storytelling program for all ages, guided by principles of social justice and gender liberation. We change the world one drum beat and song breath at a time by
- Training women, trans and gender nonconforming folks to drum in the streets for our collective healing, survival and resistance.
- Supporting fatigued parents to sing long-forgotten songs in their mother tongue with their children.
- Exploring stories and imagination with young people while playing funky beats as an ensemble.
We envision a society where everyone is a cultural creator and participant and has a voice for self-determination. All systems of oppression have been dismantled. Music is for people, not profit. Each generation has fair access to the preservation and re-imagination of their ancestral cultures.
Our mission is to create strong, just communities of color that use music for creative expression, cultural survival, and social change. We support grassroots movements and build the leadership of people of color to be cultural creators for our liberation.
- Oakland May Day
- Mujeres Unidas y Activas
- Oakland Museum of California
- Soulovely at Oakland Pride
- Kinfolkz contingent at San Francisco Pride
- Empowering Women of Color Conference at UC Berkeley
- Oakland Laurel Street Festival
- Manzanita SEED and Manzanita Community Elementary Schools
- Arise High School
- Bay Area Girls Rock Camp
- UC Merced
- Stern Grove Festival- Kids Days
- Lotus Bloom Child & Family Resource Center