Ancestor Day/Drumluck 2022
Guided by our stories, ancestral traditions and childhood memories, we will sing, chant, move, drum, and eat together. As we enter ancestor season, we continue the work of digging into our rootedness, exploring our ancestral rituals around death, grieving, honoring and remembering. Join BoomShake on the evening of November 2nd (Día de los Muertxs / Day of the Dead) for our annual Drumluck, a free intergenerational gathering celebrating our cultural and ancestral traditions through music, games, and food (potluck style) from our community. Bring a nourishing dish to share that reflects or reinterprets your ancestors' food, and bring instruments if you have them! Be ready to make rhythm and move in celebration. Wed, Nov 2nd 2022 5:30 PM - 9:30 PM Oakland Location received upon RSVP (below) Teamwork makes the dream work! If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up here .