
Showing posts from June, 2016

July 12 & 19th Afro-Venezuelan Percussion Workshop with Jackie Rago

July 12  &  July 19th7:00-9:00pm Chapter 510 & the Dept. of Make Believe 2301 Telegraph Ave, Oaklannd $20-$30 SLIDING SCALE/per class $35-$60 for both  Join us for a two-part workshop on Venezuelan song and percussion with master musician Jackeline Rago! For women, trans and gender non-conforming folk of all musical levels. Learn to sing, move and play rhythms from different regions of Venezuela - drawing on indigenous, African and European traditions. And try out Venezuelan instruments like gourd maracas and quitiplas (bamboo tubes). You can drop in for either class individually, or take the two together. Bring a friend! Jackeline Rago is a multi-instrumentalist, composer, arranger, producer and educator who specializes in Venezuelan Fo lk-Music as well as music from other countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Born in Caracas, Venezuela, Jackeline began playing music at the age of four. Prior to moving to the United States, she spent y...

THANK YOU!!- The Streets are Free

Community. Friends. Family, For bringing your light, your love, your laughter and your labor and sharing it with us, we love you. We encourage you to spread the story. Here's are a few way you can continue the love and the energy that was generated at the Streets are Free Drumsical Download a PDF of our interactive program with song lyrics, word search, coloring pages, reflections questions for discussion Support our fundraising efforts by making a donation Take a drum class with us Share your reflections with us by email or on FB Check out PHOTOS from the event  Support the original story by getting a copy of the book by Kurusa immense gratitude to Our Participants The parents, kids, teachers, organizers and families that are dedicated to the work of keeping our community vibrant, full of art, culture and justice! Our Volunteers Marguerite Graham, Niki Brown, Gabrielle Hoffman-Ellis, Vita Zus Burwell, Catie Tombs, Sophie Bassin, Kyla Danysh, J...