
Showing posts from January, 2018

For Tiny Folks Who like to Move! Tyke Tunes I & II for POC

Do you know a little person who just loves to Bang! Shake! & Shout!? Is your family passionate about using music and movement as a way to further social justice endeavors? Do you want to share yours and learn about others' culture and make new friends? Do you love to be creative and expressive, while having FUN? Then get in the circle!! Class sessions involve open play/mingling time, singing, dancing, storytelling, games & drumming activities with a culminating community celebration/potluck day at the end of the season's session. Sundays Feb 4- March 18 10:30-11:30am: Tyke Tunes I (0-7yrs) 11:45-12:45pm: Tyke Tune II (5yrs & Up)   Our culminating class session on March 18 will be an intergenerational gathering sharing ancestral Rhythms, Songs & food 11:00am-2:00pm Lotus Bloom: 555 19th St., Oakland Sliding Scale: $0- $240 *Scholarships/ Pay-What-You-Can also available ENROLL HERE For Tiny Folks Who like to Move! Tyke Tunes I fo...

Monday Jan 15th!: 4th Annual Reclaim MLK Teach-in

Join us for the 4th annual #ReclaimMLK Teach-In with the Young Activists for Black Lives Coalition! This Year's Theme: "YES TO WHAT WE WANT NO TO WHAT MUST GO!" -From "A is for Activist" (2012) by innosanto Nagara This Teach-In will be led by Youth and Youth workers for young activist 2-12+ yeas old and their adult allies. This will be a wonderful opportunity for families to honor the histories of Black and Indigenous resistance and #NonCompliance against state-sponsored violence. The morning will include activity stations, music featuring the Alphabet Rockers & BoomShake, movement and art making for the march. We will explore the #96HoursofAction themes of: 1) Resistance against state-sponsored violence 2) Housing for All 3) Indigenous and International Solidarity 4) Oakland’s history of resistance Following the Teach-In, we encourage everyone to join our young activist march to Oscar grant plaza, where we will join the rally...