Dear Friends,
Join BoomShake and other Bay Area groups in OAKLAND and CONCORD to
"celebrate the struggles, honoring the sacrifices, and celebrating the
triumphs of working people around the world". This SUNDAY April 22, at 2pm join us for drum & song, and also, check out our May Day activities & event schedule below. But first, sing with us:
(to the tune of 'despacito)
Ven conmigo,
Quiero derrumbar imperios rapidito
Celebremos todos cuando hayan caido
Y darle a la lucha con el tamborito
[Come with me friend, // I want to bring down empires rapidly //
Let's all celebrate when they have fallen // And go to the fight hitting
this drum]
-'Ven conmigo May Day remix 'by Carmen Jovel, BoomShake Drummer
*ON ANOTHER NOTE: our apologies we had incorrect info for
our Drum & Song for 5 & Up Class. Correct info & enrollment
link below.